What We are Building

This Village is being built on the land given back to us by Réseau Compassion Network (and 11 congregations of Sisters), and will deliver what our Elders Council, Lived-Experienced Advisory Council and community members have told us is needed. To that end, we have a long-term business and development plan that includes living quarters, meeting and healing spaces, and social enterprise facilities.

The Healing Village and Knowledge Centre will:

  • Serve women, girls, two-spirit and transgender persons from all regions of Manitoba, and from across Canada.
  • Impact over 500 people annually through short/mid/long term supports.
  • Become a replicable model that can be used in other communities across the country.
  • The healing Village will include:
    • Resident cabins
    • Elders’ cabin
    • Staff house
    • Communal kitchen/long house
    • Food sovereignty plan
    • Economic sovereignty plan
    • On-site and outreach programming