Matrilineal Approach

The Healing Village concept is unique in this country because its objective is to address Indigenous women’s needs using a matrilineal focus, a community living format, and a commitment to Indigenous holistic healing methodologies as well as social innovation.

Prior to colonization, Indigenous peoples lived within matrilineal governance systems. This approach was based on the central understanding and respect for the sacredness of Women and the Earth Mother.

In society, there is a renewed movement and respect for the role of grandmothers and women, something that had been lost through colonization and residential schools.
Clan Mothers Healing Village and Knowledge Centre is leading the resurgence of matrilineal governance, focused on restoring Indigenous ways of being, and fostering healing, love, respect, and justice for persons who have experienced sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and sex trafficking.
We believe that healing is only possible when we return to our Indigenous models and methodologies of healing. The success of Clan Mothers work over the years has inspired us to expand our reach and capacity to bring substantive change and hope to our communities.