Online Safety

Approximately one in ten will be sexually victimized before they turn 18, and in most cases, the offender is known to the child. And that number is higher in Indigenous communities. Protect our children today!

Recent research has taught us that offenders are less likely to target children who present a risk of “telling”. What this means is that by empowering children with knowledge about their personal safety and the need for boundaries, we can help reduce their risk of victimization. This project has been developed to help families in Northern communities to understand the steps they can take to protect our youth.

Here are few tips on how you can get started:

  1. Ask your kids to help you keep up with technology
  2. Start a conversation to learn what they are experiencing online
  3. Help them learn to identify the “wrong kind of attention”
  4. Make sure that while online, they avoid location sharing
  5. And if they have to use a name – use safe screen names
  6. Teach them to avoid making personal posts or posts about personal information
  7. Once you’ve learned their experience, determine if your child is ready to be online

For additional ideas on how to keep your child safe, click here.

Use these three steps to help children be safe online

STOP – speaking with the predator immediately
BLOCK – the user but do not delete the messages
TALK – to a parent or trusted adult immediately

We all need to learn about online sexual abuse and the behaviours and situations that present risks to our children and youth.

Most importantly, we need to teach our children that it is okay to say “no” to something or someone who makes them feel confused or uncomfortable. 

To learn more about online child sexual abuse and to learn how to identify the signs, go to the Centre for Child Protection website.

Listen to audio tracks in five different languages:

English with Cree Intro – Spot 1
English with Cree Intro – Spot 2