Indigenous Cultural Healing Supports
1. Aboriginal Health & Wellness Centre of Winnipeg
- 204-925-3700, 181 Higgins Ave.,
- 1:1 counselling, sharing circles, traditional teachings, ceremonies. All groups are on hold at this time.
- Spiritual Care Provider uses virtual and in person appointments, depending on pandemic restrictions.
2. First Nation & Inuit Health Branch – Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
- 1-800-665-8507, and go to Indigenous Health>First Nations & Inuit Health>Benefits-Information NIHB>Mental Health Counselling Benefits
- Cultural supports are available through the Indian Residential Schools – Resolution Health Support Program and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Counselling Program – see item #1 in the section below.
3. Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
- 204-925-0300 at 445 King St., administrative site (no services),
- 3 neighbourhood care sites with services. All drop-in services and groups are on hold, but people can call for lunch food, baby supplies, and hygiene supplies which are sent out by volunteer delivery M-F 11:00-1:00pm and 4:00-6:00pm & Sat 11:00-1:00pm. Open to all areas of the city. To request supplies, call:
- 318 Anderson Ave, 204-925-0352
- 363 McGregor St., 204-925-6816
- 443 Spence Ave., 204-925-0348
- To volunteer, email
- Call back often to see if the Spiritual Care Provider support is made available again.
4. Wa-Say Healing Centre
- 204-774-6484 at Unit 226-388 Donald Street
- Wa-Say Healing Centre primarily (but, not solely) assists former Indian Residential Schools (IRS) students and their families in accessing appropriate levels of emotional health and wellness support services.
- 1:1 counselling, sharing circles, traditional teachings, ceremonies, body work, arts and crafts.
- May be a short waitlist; using virtual and in person appointments, depending on pandemic restrictions.
5. WRHA Indigenous Health – Patient Services
- Call WRHA Indigenous Health – Centralized Services at 204-940-8880 or 1-877-940-8880, or fax 204-943-1728,
- Spiritual Cultural Care Providers may perform ceremonies and prayers with patients in hospitals and WRHA personal care homes. Using virtual and in person appointments, depending on pandemic restrictions.
6. WRHA Indigenous Health – Traditional Wellness Clinic
- Call WRHA Indigenous Health – Centralized Services at 204-940-8880 or 1-877-940-8880, or fax 204-943-1728,
- Traditional Healer provides access to traditional medicines and ceremonies for people in hospital and in community.
- Operates 2 days a month out of HSC; using virtual and in person appointments, depending on pandemic restrictions.
Mental Health Counselling Specifically for Indigenous People
1. First Nation & Inuit Health Branch – Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
- Call the regional office of NIHB to explore eligibility under 1 of 3 streams listed below:
- Manitoba Region – call (204) 983-4571 or 1-800-665-8507 toll-free
- Nunavut Region – call 1-866-509-1769 toll-free
- Ontario Region – call 1-888-301-6426 toll-free
- Services may be in person or virtual, depending on pandemic restrictions.
- Will receive a list of mental health therapists (Social Worker, Psychologist, Psychiatric Nurse) and/or cultural healing providers who are providing care in the region.
- According to the NIHB Medical Transportation Policy Framework, clients are expected to access the closest appropriate provider. However, where a client must access a provider with a specific area of expertise (including where the provider may have specific cultural competence experience or training, or if there is no provider locally), transportation to access the next closest provider who meets the client’s requirement will be considered on an exception basis).
Short-Term Mental Health Counselling – Eligibility
- A First Nations person who is registered under the Indian Act (commonly referred to as a status Indian; NIHB “treaty number”).
- An Inuk recognized by an Inuit land claim organization (NIHB T or N number).
- May provide coverage for mental health counselling for eligible individuals when no other mental health services are available and/or being provided.
- Provides up to a maximum of 20 one hour sessions per 12 month period; may be extended on request by therapist.
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Counselling – Eligibility
- Survivors, family members and loves ones who are affected by Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls are eligible for support, whether or not they participated in the Inquiry – including before and after these events.
- May access up to a maximum of 20 one hour counselling sessions per 12 month period; may be extended on request by therapist.
- May access cultural healing, both short term and long-term; provided by Manitoba Keewatinook Okimakinak (MKO).
- Individuals may qualify whether they are status or non-status/Metis/Inuit.
- Includes persons of all genders who identify as being affected by having a missing or murdered family member (the missing or murdered person may be a woman, man, or a child).
Indian Residential Schools – Resolution Health Support (RSH) Program – Cultural Supports and Individual and Family Counselling – Eligibility
- 1-866-818-3505 toll-free in Manitoba
- All former Indian Residential School students, regardless of the individual’s status or place of residence within Canada, who attended an Indian Residential School listed in the 2007 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement are eligible to receive services from the RSH Program.
- In recognition of the intergenerational impacts that the schools had on families, RSH Program services are also available to family members of former students.
- Individuals may qualify whether they are status or non-status/Metis/Inuit.
- Applicants will be asked to provide the name and DOB of the family member who was a survivor and went through the claims process/is going through it.
- May access up to a maximum of 20 one hour counselling sessions per 12 month period; may be extended on request by therapist.
- May access cultural healing, both short term and long-term; provided by a number of Indigenous agencies in Manitoba listed in their brochure. These agencies receive funding to deliver services in Manitoba, and can also assist you to apply:
Achako Atamiskatowin/Rediscovering Our Spirit Program
P.O. Box 190
Cross Lake, Manitoba R0B 0J0
Aboriginal Health & Wellness Centre of Winnipeg
215-181 Higgins Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 3G1
Anish Corporation
110-200 Alpine Way
Swan Lake First Nation, MB R4H 1C8
Cree Nation Tribal Health Centre
P.O. Box 2760, 302 Ross Ave.
The Pas, MB R9A 1K5
Keewatin Tribal Council
23 Nickel Road
Thompson, MB R8N 0Y4
1-800-665-6212 ext. 7257
Sagkeeng IRS Wellness Centre
P.O. Box 70
Pine Falls, MB R0E 1M0
Southeast Resource Development Council Corp.
2nd Floor – 360 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0T6
St. Theresa Point Traditional Healing Program
Box 389
St. Theresa Point, MB R0B 1J0
Wa-Say Healing Centre Inc.
Unit 226 – 3rd Floor, 388 Donald St.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2J4
West Region Treaty 2 & 4 Health Services
317 Main St. North Unit 16 – 2nd Floor
Dauphin, MB R7A 1C5
West Region Treaty 2 & 4 Health Service
712 – 18th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 5B5
1-866-385-9400 or 204-725-4394
2. First Nations and Inuit Nursing Stations or Health Administration Offices
- Call to find out if the community has any of the following services: Mental Health Therapist, Native Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program Coordinator, Brighter Futures Coordinator, as these staff may be able to provide support or connect to other options.
3. Ontario First Nations Mental Health and Addictions Services
- Directory of services available in communities
Indigenous Specific Crisis Services
1. First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line
- 1-855-242-3310
- A 24 hour national line provides immediate, culturally competent, telephone crisis intervention counselling support. Counsellors can also identify follow-up services, and is available in English and French and, upon request, in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut.
2. Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) and Keewatinohk Inniniw Minoayawin Inc. (KIM)
- See for more details.
- MKO & KIM are collaborating with Mental Wellness Services in Manitoba to support Northern First Nations’ leadership and Health Directors during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
- Ensuring all services and on-call crisis responses are accessible via telephone or text with various services, including virtual support with FaceTime and/or Zoom video conferencing, where applicable.
- Ensuring their mental wellness team members and health care providers are trained to help manage an individual’s mental health during COVID-19.
- Service areas & contact information:
- MKO Mobile Crisis Response Team: Manitoba First Nations, eligible status citizens living on or off reserve in Manitoba.
- Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council: Birdtail Sioux, Dakota Tipi, Long Plain, Roseau River, Sandy Bay, and Swan Lake
- Interlake Reserves Tribal Council: Dauphin River, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Little Saskatchewan, Peguis, and Pinaymootang
- Marcie Tavares, Tel: (204) 803-0700,
- Sheri Gould, Tel: (204) 302-0078,
- Treena McPherson, Tel: (204) 302-1344,
- Opaskwayak Health Authority (OHA): Marcel Colomb, Mathias Colomb, Mosakahiken, Opaskwayak, Sapotaweyak, Misipawistik Cree Nation, and Wuskwi Sipihk. The Mental Wellness Team consists of five counsellors, including OHA counsellors who are available via telephone to provide follow-up care with clients, and Opioid Replacement Therapy physician clinics who are available via Telehealth on the regular scheduled dates. Telehealth is being set up for clients to have follow-up appointments with their treatment. The team is contacting clients on a regular basis and is expanding days/hours of operation.
- Tel: (204) 627-7410
- Fax: (204) 623-3907
- Connect with the Crisis Line after hours: Tel: (204) 623-0519
- Southeast Resource Development Council: Berens River, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, Hollow Water, Little Grand Rapids, Pauingassi, and Poplar River
- Carol McCorrister, Tel: (204) 956-7500, Fax: (204) 934-0374,
- Keewatin Tribal Council: Barren Lands, Bunibonibee, Fox Lake, God’s Lake, Manto Sipi, Northlands, Sayisi Dene, Shamattawa, Tataskweyak, War Lake, and York Factory
- Connect with the Crisis On-Call: Cell: (204) 307-1905 or (204) 307-0118
- KTC Mental Wellness Team: Tel: (204) 677-7410, Fax: (204) 677-0255
- Natawiwewak Medical Clinic: Winnipeg residents from Bunibonibee, Chemawawin, God’s Lake, and Manto Sipi
- Connect with the Mental Wellness Team: Tel: (204) 417-8877, Fax: (204) 417- 7744
- Traditional Healer Services: based in Thompson, has a team of three working from home during COVID-19 and provides culturally safe access to traditional healing. For Manitoba First Nations, eligible status citizens living on or off reserve in Manitoba.
- Duke Beardy, Tel: (204) 307-8192,:
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls (MMIWG) for family members who are affected by MMIWG, or to those who are survivors of violence. Includes First Nations, Inuit, Metis, non-status, and non-Aboriginal people living in Manitoba.
- Hilda Anderson-Pyrz, Tel: (204) 307-5919,
3. Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Inquiry Support Line
- 1-844-413-6649 and
- A 24 hour national line has been set up to provide support for individuals affected by a missing or murdered Indigenous woman/girl’s experience.
4. National Indian Residential School Crisis Line
- 1-866-925-4419
- A 24 hour national line has been set up to provide support for former students.
5. Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line
- 1-867-979-3333
- Toll-free at 1-800-265-3333
6. Kids Help Phone
- 1-800-668-6868 (24 hours)
- Text “TALK” to 686868 to reach a counsellor
7. NWT Crisis Line
- 1-800-661-0844 (9 p.m. -1 a.m. ET)
For mainstream crisis services and mental health counselling, please see:
- Manitoba Youth:
- Manitoba Adult:
- Northwestern Ontario:
The content on this page was last updated on November 20, 2020.