Dec 2020 Year End Newsletter

Dec 23, 2020 | Clan Mothers News

Clan Mothers Healing Village & Knowledge Centre acknowledges with much gratitude your support on this critically needed Village Project. Through your generosity, you have conveyed respect and honour in our Indigenous-led solutions. You have made it possible for us to move forward to heal historical deep-rooted wounds and dismantle the heinous effects that sexual violence exploitation and sex trafficking have left in our communities.

The heart and spirit of Clan Mothers Healing Village & Knowledge Centre is the resurgence of using Indigenous methodologies and matrilineal ways to heal the most important beings in communities across Canada – the mothers and daughters of the next generation. We are profoundly touched by your generosity and contributions to our work.

The Winter solstice is now upon us where signs of building brighter futures and communities come around once again. The nights grow shorter as the days expand the sun’s brightness, inspiring us for yet what is to come. This is also a time to mark significant milestones, to set goals and intentions for the coming year.

We would like to share a few milestones the Village Project has accomplished through your Spirit of giving this past year.


Clan Mothers Healing Village launched on October 1, 2020

The first-ever National Experiential Voices Project, a digital media site featuring powerful insights and Indigenous-led solutions to dismantle sexual exploitation and sex trafficking in Canada. The digital media website celebrates the stories, knowledge, solutions, work, and leadership of persons with lived experiences of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. It includes their powerful responses in developing innovative prevention and intervention projects, actions, and solutions. We encourage you to visit the Project at


Project: Care – Capacity – Compassion

This project will build awareness, knowledge, engagement and action within a 3 level approach through an Indigenous lens. CARE begins to inform people and creates an understanding about the root cause related to sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. CAPACITY invites people to consider how they can integrate their awareness into day to day interactions, exchanges and choices. COMPASSION ignites a level of advocacy and non-judgmental world views.


Project: EVA – Experiential Voices Alive

This is a new initiative that will be led by Clan Mothers Lived Experience Council. EVA is an online digital platform that offers a place for our National Lived Experience leaders to gather, share, consult, learn, and support one another. The EVA platform will create movements of change through activism, awareness, and education.


Grand Challenges Canada

Clan Mothers is collaborating with Grand Challenges Canada through a feminist investment approach that catalyzes innovations to assist and improve the lives of the most vulnerable in Canada. The Indigenous Innovative Initiative is a platform that seeks to enable Indigenous innovators to identify and solve their own challenges, transform lives in their communities, and drive growth that works for all Canadians. Included in this collaboration is a scholarship involving one team member to participate in Fireweed – a rigorous 10-month Indigenous-led program related to concepts in financial literacy, Indigenous governance and social enterprise. These concepts will be transferred into the programming within the Healing Village, as well as our Social Enterprise Projects within the Knowledge and Training Centre. This will create income and sustainability for Clan Mothers Healing Village & Knowledge Centre.


International Capital Fundraising Campaign

Clan Mothers Fundraising Committee is embarking on an International Capital Fundraising Campaign. Currently, in development, we foresee the launch of the campaign to happen in the next several months. The main design and crucial outcomes are to draw compassion and attention to the continued systemic sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of our beloved Indigenous Women, Girls, Boys, 2 Spirit and Trans Folks.


Reconciliation Action

Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba (CHCM) is grateful for the opportunity to walk with the Indigenous community along with funders, supporters and allies in the development of an Indigenous model of healing and education for women who continue to suffer from multi-generational systemic trauma, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. CHMC in collaboration with Clan Mothers Healing Village & Knowledge Centre is working towards gifting a 130-acre parcel of land situated along Lake Winnipeg. This land provides a perfect site for the future healing village, and is zoned correctly to allow for development while the building committee implements development plans.


We have attached several items of interest for you:

1. Co-founder Elder Mae Louise Campbell Sends You Greetings

2. Indigenous Perspective: Clan Mothers Healing Village – 4 minute video

3. Clan Mothers Healing Village: Corporate Profile (click to view).

We wish you good health and wellness.

Gitchi Miigwetch
We send gratitude in the highest regard

From Clan Mothers Healing Village